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Frequently Asked Questions


Q - When do I need to pay for my lawn mowing and garden services?

A - Payment is due before we service your lawn( no exceptions). If paying with cash we'll knock on the door, collect payment and start our service.


Q - What if my lawn is overgrown?

A - Overgrown lawns and edges will need additional time to make the lawns look their best, therefore, there will be an additional charge.


Q - What happens with the clippings?

A - We use a mulching mower to mulch the clippings into smaller pieces which put nutrients back into your lawn, however, if you want it bagged and taken away there will be an additional fee if your lawn hasn't been mowed recently.

Q - Do I need to be home for my quote?
A - No. As long as we can access your backyard and your

pets are safely secured. We will never service a lawn when a dog is loose on the lawns.
Q - Can I get a quote over the phone?
A - No. We need to see your property in order to give a fair and accurate quote.
Q - Do I need to be home to receive my Good Mow service?
A - No. As long as access to the backyard is available and your pets are safely secured in the house.

Q - Can you service my backyard if my dog is loose and 

does not bite or is chained up?

A - We cannot service the lawn if your pet is not secured in the house, due to the safety of the Lawn Maintenance Technician and your pet. your pet knows you, he/she doesn't know us...


Important information
Kids Toys, Swing Sets, Trampolines, etc. are the responsibility of the customer. We will do our best to work around these obstacles, but we accept no responsibility if these items are accidentally damaged.


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